Guanheng is specialized in steel structure engineering since 1987.

How about sales of antenna tower under GH?
According to the statistics offered by our sales department, there is a stable increase in the sales volume of GHantenna tower. By analyzing our existing customer groups, it can be concluded that some new customers are acquaintances to our existing customers who speak highly of our products and services. It is the outcomes brought by word of mouth. Also, we adopt a marketing strategy that updating news and info about our companies and products on official accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. In this way, customers can know more details about us and have interests in working with us.
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After years of steady development, Foshan Nanhai Guanheng Steel Structure Co.,Ltd has become one of the leading producers. GH Steel Structure is mainly engaged in the business of antenna support pole and other product series. GH communication tower is carefully designed. A series of design elements such as shape, form, color, and texture are taken into consideration. The product has passed the hot galvanization tests based on the standard of the steel technical specification on ASTM A123. Some of our customers say that the product has flexible speed adaptability to accommodate the machine's movements of different types. Its tower foundation adopts the independent reinforced concrete structure, which can effectively avoid the uneven subsidence of the foundation.

We are a credible enterprise committed to helping society to develop. We actively take part in the financing activities of local enterprise, donating money in improving urban facilities, and blend in the industrial clusters. Get info!

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