Guanheng is specialized in steel structure engineering since 1987.

Does GH Steel Structure provide EXW for integrated base station?
Foshan Nanhai Guanheng Steel Structure Co.,Ltd offers various trading terms, such as EXW, FOB, CIF. If you want to get a clear picture of all of your purchasing costs, full flexibility in the logistics, and visibility of the entire shipment, you can choose EXW terms. But under these terms, you bear all of the risks and liabilities involved in the shipment. Do you have an experienced and reliable logistics partner to help you manage the entire shipment? If you do not, we can help you find one.
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As one of the recognized leaders in manufacturing antenna support pole, GH Steel Structure holds top positions in many international ratings and rankings. GH Steel Structure has created a number of successful series, and base station is one of them. GH what is base station is innovatively designed by a team of professional designers. They are full of innovative ideas and embrace the changing LED lighting market demands. The product features a small wind load coefficient and has strong wind resistance. The product features strong compatibility. It doesn't just work alone. Other function can be added to work with this machine system. The harmonious and beautiful design makes it adapt flexibly to the surroundings.

We have upgraded our capabilities from time to time to meet the environmental and emission norms. To continue this endeavor, we are being equipped with high-end technology to deal with production waste.

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