Guanheng is specialized in steel structure engineering since 1987.

What companies are producing integrated base station?
There are more and more companies specialized in the R&D and production of integrated base station in China. No matter they are new to or have been engaged in the industry for years, most of them have their own plants and employ a number of highly-qualified talents in R&D, design, manufacturing, customer service, and other sectors. They also keep abreast of the latest industry trend, introducing the latest equipment and technology from home and abroad to stay competitive. And they are the active participants in local, regional, international industry exhibitions to know the latest industry dynamics and to closely communicate with customers to learn about their latest needs.
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By providing a large number of high quality smart street lighting system, Foshan Nanhai Guanheng Steel Structure Co.,Ltd has been renowned in the industry for extensive expertise. GH Steel Structure has created a number of successful series, and smart street light pole is one of them. The product has good chemical properties. It has been pre-treated to stand up the corrosive condition, such as chemical liquid environment. The product is designed with the efficient and reliable power line carrier communication and wireless GPRS/CDMA communication technologies. The product will be a great helper for people to reduce carbon footprint. It also contributes to the reduction of energy use in daily life or work. Its sturdy structure prevents it from collapsing in the wind.

We are convinced that our long-term success depends on our capacity to deliver sustainable value to our stakeholders and to wider society. Through our integrated leadership approach, we strive to become an even more sustainable company and maximize the positive impact we can have.

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